Warehouse Logistics QR, AR, Google glass enterprise connect
When we received our beta Google Glasses we decided to test them out. We came up with a concept that was shown @ Inforum 2016 for Infor Factory Track. Where more than 6000 attendees had an opportunity to test them out.
"Why, and what for?"
What can we do?
Boxes are tagged with QR codes and location of the Isles are stored in Infor Factory Track software
"Did it work?"
Yes, it did. Only took us few weeks to pull this off.
With a reseach we made an algorythm that helped identify best scoring system that we presented live in the Barcleys Center for our main event called Inforum.
"What, how do you start the work?"
Once scanned, you receive a list of orders that needs to be moved. Pick from the list and move on with your work day. But what we did is allow people attending to try it for themselves using these posters that they can start work and get the list.