Infor Cup - VIP 2-day Event Golf App

Realtime Native/Web App, GPS, Social media

Exclusive event for key influencers and executives of Infor. The team developed a website invitation with extended information. The app was created for ease of scorekeeping. We delivered a seamless, fun event.

"Why, and what for?"

Executives have a two day event to bring top customers to match them with our top sales to play and have fun but also build the relationship

The game takes places in different PGA locations. It’s a two day event where we pair players with 2/2 and the following day with one against another. This is a game of trust and building a relationship. We assing handicap based on self-reporting and/or previous attandance.

Me: "I don't play golf, so I had to learn a lot. Thanks to the president of the company to assign a specialist to help us understand all of the handicaps information, and words that is being used so we can build top-of-the-line app that no company have"

What are we building?

We are building the following in 4 weeks.

  1. Native cross mobile app to do the following:
    1. List all users
    2. Find your group for the 2 days event.
    3. See your score
    4. Input your score
    5. Update with news and scores from other players and how everyone is doing
  2. Website with realtime scoring.
    1. Provide realtime updates with scores
    2. Compare them with a PRO players in the same PGA location
Next Project

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